Lots of little things to talk about today! First up, another tiny sneak peek for the Y. family. Look at this big boy pulling up in his crib--he was walking from side to side without holding on, too, and was incredibly proud of himself. Go, little J.!!
For the past few days I've been working with a designer on a new fun project. Here's a little peek of that . . . . I need to do a more recent shot of me + mini-me, but who has the time? How sad is that? As my mother says, the cobbler's kids go barefoot. ; )
The primary reason that I am running around like Chicken Little this week is that Sunday I am leaving for WPPI. Woo-hoo!!
I've heard 10,000 wedding and portrait photographer attend this annual Vegas event, and I could not be more a-twitter. The speakers! The colleagues! The albums! Yes, I am a total geek. With apologies to all of my favorite English professors past (and I loved you all dearly), these are all the things I was supposed to feel about the MLA and never did. LOL!! I have a long list of people to see and vendors to scout, so I'm sure I'll be bringing back some exciting new somethings-or-other for clients.
Until next time . . . I have more albums to put together and, of course, miles to go before I sleep. You see, Dr. Fick, I didn't forget everything! ; )
Can't wait to hear about the new project! Secrets. Secrets :)
Posted by: Amy Montgomery | March 12, 2008 at 10:22 PM
Can't wait to see the end result of all these projects you're cooking up. And tell Jesh hello from me ... you already know I'm heart broken I won't be there. :(
Posted by: Rebecca | March 13, 2008 at 08:02 PM
Can't wait to see your new fun project :)
I'm sure it will be *beyond reproach* :)
I'm excited to *meet* you this weekend!
jen :)
Posted by: JenWilson | March 13, 2008 at 08:06 PM